CircuitWest Strategic plan for 2023-2026 Released

November 14, 2022

Read the new CircuitWest Strategic Plan by clicking here 

This is a really ambitious plan, but one we think we can deliver with the right resources.

The big goals are to be a catalyst for change and growth, including

  • Recognition of the importance of First Nations art and audiences;
  • Commitment to accessibility in performing arts no matter where it takes place;Commitment to diversity and representation in what is happening in performing spaces,
  • meaning no one should be excluded because of where or who they are;
  • Supporting and leading the industry on a full growth recovery from three years of pandemic damage;
  • Expanding to more communities and more artists than ever before;
  • Embracing of technology and its potential to have performance and engagement without locational constraints; and
  • Sustainability in how we impact environment, how we attract and retain industry people and how we become more financially independent.

The accessible version will also be published shortly.

Thanks to the terrific CircuitWest team and Board for bringing so much to the table in the creation of this plan.

If you have any questions, give us a call

The CircuitWest Team