Goodbye (for now) and hello

November 24, 2020

Bec says goodbye

We farewell for now our brilliant tour coordinator Rebecca Nelson who is off to have a little tour coordinator of her own.

Bec has been a champion of artists and producers and has taken on the role of mentor, designer, community engagement planner, funding writer, teacher, advisor, cheer leader,  and friend to so many people in the performing arts community since she started. She is particularly adept at providing great reasons to government to fund brilliant tours.

We will miss Bec’s creativity, her mighty attention to detail and her never say no attitude, as well as the fact she is lovely to have in the team.

As we farewell Bec for 8 months when she goes on baby leave, and we wish her the greatest start to her new family and role. She will be missed.  Messages of love to

The New Guy

Welcome to Nick Maclaine

Nick Maclaine — actor, voiceover artist, singer and writer — will join us in December in the role of Program Administrator.

When you speak to Nick you may well recall a voice that has been used in countless radio, television and online commercials. Some of his recent clients include Kleenheat, Lotterywest and the State Government.

Nick spent most of last year working for the WA Museum Boola Bardip. He recently appeared in Barking Gecko Theatre’s “Bambert’s Book of Lost Stories”. He has worked with most of the state’s major companies and been involved with regional, national and overseas tours. Nick has been a proud member of Equity for ten years.

Stolen from Nick’s Linkedin Profile

“I am a volunteer director of Artist Relief Fund WA, an artist-run not-for-profit which provides targeted financial assistance to members of our industry in times of hardship or distress. You can find out more about this benevolent fund (or apply for confidential assistance if you are in need of it) by visiting

Welcome Nick to the CircuitWest family on