Today, CircuitWest announced 1-4 November 2021 as the dates for the 2021 WA Showcase.
The main event in arts in Western Australia will be seeing some evolution in its format as it responds to feedback from arts producers, presenters and artists.
According to CircuitWest Executive Director Ryan Taaffe the event has been dynamic since its inception.
“The early versions followed the tried and trusted format across other states and countries with a mix of stage and in depth pitching and professional development that has seen the event grow steadily as see an endless flood of positive feedback.”
“Now we are looking to evolve based on a more bespoke format and a more lasting journey with the industry that attends.”
“This will likely mean a reduction in point in time pitching as we move with artists and producers over the lifetime of a work and provide support and training to ensure pitching and marketing work is built into the cradle- to-tour model of development.”
“We are also looking to get closer in our relationship with presenters and communities and look to curate based around a whole matrix of community needs that performing arts makes big contributions in, like mental health, youth and diversity.”
“Plus, as usual, we will have our range of international experts (travel permitting) and local leaders who are catalysts for change.”
“We have a lot to do from here, so just watch this space as we will be coming to do so research with you all about this evolution in the very near future.”
“And of course we hope, as does everything else, that vaccinations and other strategies have squashed COVID by then so we can proceed. If not we will dream up a way to deliver this on across the ether.”
“As always we sincerely thank the Government of WA for their support of this event and our industry.”
Media Contact : Sam Lynch 0419971713