CircuitWest Applauds State Government’s Support for Regional Touring
CircuitWest, representing venues across Western Australia, applauds the State Government’s support for regional touring with a total of 12 projects sharing in $1,454,586 from the 2024-25 Regional Performing Arts program, delivered as part of the Regional Arts and Cultural Investment Program through the Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries.
Philippa Maughan, Executive Director of CircuitWest, congratulated the recipients and praised the breadth and diversity of the projects funded, “We are particularly delighted to see support for the residency-style tour of the intercultural dance KIN led by Isha Sharvani as well as Big hART and Yirra Yaakin, two companies that drive change and reconciliation by making great art. We are also pleased that regional companies and artists, and companies whose business practice is anchored in connecting with our regions, have been supported.”
Ms Maughan highlighted that all the companies funded in this 2024-25 Regional Performing Arts program round pitched at CircuitWest’s WA Showcase, demonstrating the ongoing return on investment for the State Government from supporting the State’s annual arts market.
She continued, “WA Showcase is where regional venues discover the gold they can bring to their communities and the State Government’s Regional Performing Arts program provides the vital funding that creates lifelong memories for thousands of people by delivering wonderful touring performances – all based on demonstrated demand.”
Ms Maughan emphasised the economic and cultural benefits of this funding, she said “Tours are a force multiplier; more tours mean more money spent in the regions, supporting small businesses like cafes, restaurants and accommodation. There can never be enough opportunities for people to come together, connect, encounter new ideas and activate their own creativity, whether they live in Busselton or Broome.”
Media Contact:
Weng-Si Cheang, Manager, Research and Audience Development
Phone: 08 6202 1045
Image: KIN. Photo by Jessica Russell.