The Connection Project Next Steps

June 3, 2020

CircuitWest and Perth Festival were privileged to present The Connection Project as an opportunity to stop, be present and find your feet for a moment, with the aim of helping you to build a foundation to find your centre and navigate this time in a way that is meaningful and connected.

Over the last two months we ran 4 large groups and 43 small groups and covered topics from Operating in a Crisis to Self-Care and Care for Others in partnership with Shona Erskine, Sarah Borg and Adrian Schonfeld.

We were always intending to review the project at its mid-point to see if it was still useful, needed to change in any way and what else could be delivered. In undertaking that review we have noted that as the restrictions lift that the project may have served its purpose in connecting the sector with a resource to map and manage this tricky period.

With that in mind, CircuitWest and Perth Festival have decided to make a change to the project. We will no longer be running the large or small group sessions each fortnight – instead of our trio of psychologists, who have ably led us and provided such professional expertise with great humour, undertaking sessions with us they will work on a Mental Wellbeing resource for the sector and we will release this as soon as we can.  The forum pages will also be turned into a new resource for the sector but will still be a place for you to connect and ask questions.

We thank you for being a part of the project with us this far and spending a Thursday morning with us. We hope that you will continue to be a part of that journey when we release this new resource.

CircuitWest and Perth Festival remain committed to the sector and to a focus on Mental Wellbeing for the individuals who make up this sector.

We are all actually in this together.