Updates, changes and moves: CircuitWest, Showcase and Tours

March 18, 2020

In the midst of the updated status of the COVID-19 response from the Government and the ban on non-essential events over 100 people, there are a number of important things we need you to know;

  • WA SHOWCASE 2020 has been postponed for now and we hope to hold it in late 2020.
  • One regional tour, Last Great Hunt’s , New Owner has been cancelled.
  • Some tours will be postponed, and we plan to hold these in the future. There will be more details soon.
  • The CircuitWest office remains open.
  • The Free Artist’s Course on 18th March at Subiaco Arts Centre will proceed.

We all know that the performing arts industry is in serious turmoil at the moment and there are some things we want everyone to keep in mind.

Firstly, we should stand as one, look out for each other and remember that whole, wars have not stood in the way of performing arts, because it’s too important to our world. We will bounce back, together.

We are already planning for when the situation improves (and it will improve in time), including a bigger better showcase hopefully later in the year, some touring grants for future works, support services for presenters, artists and producers during the period of caution. We are looking forward to helping those of you with everything we can offer in planning for your future until the performing arts world resumes.

CircuitWest has some great ideas about how to use the reopening of venues and spaces in the future as a great way to revive your customers and relaunch your products. Watch this space…

If you are really struggling with what has happened and you just want to get it off your chest, we are here so please don’t hesitate to call;

  • Ryan – (08) 6202 1045
  • Sam – (08) 6202 1044
  • Beck – (08) 6202 1043

Just so you know, we are complying with Health Department risk management on all plans and taking all the precautions we have been directed to take.

We hope to see you all perform, present, lead, create, uplift, change, evolve, tour, dance, sing, act, play, perform, entertain, transform, collaborate, engage, inspire and pitch later in 2020.

Until then we are standing by you in any way we can.

Email us on pm@circuitwest.com.au