How to write a brief for a Graphic Designer

Marketing & Audience Development

If you are outsourcing your design work to a graphic designer, you will need to know how to write a design brief, which outlines what you expect the designer to deliver.

Design briefs can be:
  • written by you, the client;
  • a collaborative effort between yourself and the designer; or
  • written and presented to you by the designer after an initial meeting.
In most instances, it is more common for the client to provide the brief. It is crucial that your design brief is clear and detailed. To help you get started, here are some tips from Snap Printing on what information to include:
  • Corporate profile – don’t assume a designer knows your business. Write a paragraph explaining who you are and what you do. Include a summary, a brief history, the products/services you provide and distribution.
  • Target audience – outline the demographic of the people you want to reach including their age, gender, income, location and lifestyle.
  • Market position – describe where your product or service stands amongst the competition. What makes your business different from the rest?
  • Objectives – what is it that you’re after: poster, promotional flyer, website, email? What do you want to achieve with the project? Provide all the specifications: size, where it will be used, etc.
  • Overview – why do you need this graphic design work now? Have you relaunched? Are you about to introduce a new product?
  • Copy and pictures – what copy and pictures will you need to go with the design? Will you be providing these or would you like the designer to source them?
  • Background – give your designer any past and present communication you’ve done. Tell them what worked and what didn’t.
  • Examples of relevant work – it might help to include some examples of other work you like so the designer can see what your tastes are.
  • Deadline – ask the designer what they think is a realistic deadline and work around that. A deadline too tight may restrict creativity.
  • Budget – ask around to find out what’s reasonable for the size of your project.