Job Opportunity: Manager, Workforce Development

January 29, 2025

CircuitWest is seeking a senior, industry-respected full-time person, to provide strategic leadership and operational management of the organisation’s Technical Services Industry and Workforce Development Initiative.

You will work with the multiple stakeholders in multiple sectors including secondary and tertiary education, State and Federal Government, commercial and the not-for-profit performing arts sectors to create significant and long-term change in the areas of career development, employment conditions, work culture, sector recognition, education and training in the live performing arts technical workforce sector.


The Manager, Workforce Development will manage and deliver a two-year strategic initiative to commence addressing the crisis in the live performing arts sector technical services. The Manager will: 

  • Initiate pilot projects to test small initiatives to address this issue as the project progresses.
  • Reconvene the meeting of stakeholders at six month intervals to create uniform agreement on actions and ensure progress. 
  • Deliver exchange, networking and professional development. 
  • Report on changes and recommend future actions, projects and initiatives. 

The role will work closely with the Executive Director and will report regularly to CircuitWest’s Management Committee and as needed to stakeholders. 

This is a Full Time role, though Part Time and Job Share opportunities will be considered for the right candidate/s. 


Essential Criteria:

  • Demonstrated ability to work at both operational and strategic levels. 
  • Strong live production technical skills with a relevant qualification or equivalent in industry experience; and/or background in and/or understanding of long-term issues facing the live production technical services sector
  • Knowledge/experience of training and education sector. Someone who had a background in traineeships or TAFE Experience in developing and/or delivering projects with demonstrated administrative capacity. 
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills. 
  • Demonstrated project management and problem-solving skills and experience. 
  • A team player who wants to contribute to CircuitWest’s and the sector’s successes. 

Desirable Criteria:

  • Knowledge and awareness of the WA arts sector. 
  • Knowledge and awareness of the performing arts in outer metro communities and the WA regions. 
  • Knowledge or experience of the training and education sector 
  • Experience in Creative Leadership.



To apply, please supply: 

  1. Introduction: A brief overview of your skills and experience in the live performing arts technical sector and/or secondary and tertiary education and/or other demonstrably relevant sector and of what interests you about this role 
  2. Your CV with two professional referees 


PLEASE NOTE: All applicants are encouraged to contact the Executive Director to discuss the role before submitting an EOI. Applicants invited to interview may be asked to prepare an outline of your proposed approach to responding to the issues outlined in the Live Performing Arts Technical Sector as a Social Ecological System (SES) Report prepared for CircuitWest by AFOCAL (Shona Erskine and Katt Osborne) and edited for distribution by CircuitWest.

For further information or to discuss this opportunity, please contact Philippa Maughan, Executive Director, at (08) 6202 1044 or via email at 

Applications close on Wednesday, 19 February 2025. 

Click here for the full Job Description