Presenter Research Resource For Audience Development

Marketing & Audience Development, Research, Venue Operations

The Search For Audiences

The Search For Audiences is a resource explaining the outcomes of audience development research across 12 regional cities and towns, explaining the findings that were common across multiple areas and providing questionnaire guidelines and strategies being considered as a result of what was learnt.

What Is This Resource?

The Search for Audiences handbook is a tool for helping presenters (i.e., venues) build audiences. It provides an overview of the main factors that influenced audience behaviour across the studies, as well as details the research questions posed and research respondents’ feedback. It also provides recommendations regarding strategies for audience development.

This resource provides insight into the factors that influenced audiences in the studies conducted, allowing readers to develop their own research and strategies. The research this handbook details refers to audiences (those who currently attend), non-audiences (those who do not attend or may have attended in the past and lapsed) and target audiences (those who presenters want to encourage to come to venues).